Theoretical-Chemical Colloquium in honor of Prof. Dr. Guntram Rauhut on the occasion of his 60th birthday

October 26, 2023 / Institute for Theoretical Chemistry

On the occasion of the 60th birthday of our colleague Professor Guntram Rauhut at the Institute for Theoretical Chemistry, we cordially invite you to a honorary colloquium.

Since more than 20 years, Professor Rauhut is responsible for the introductory math lectures in Chemistry and thereby supplies our students with fundamental basic knowledge for their further studies. Upon that, he has contributed fundamentally to the computation of highly accurate vibronic and rovibronic molecular states and has gained significant international reputation in this field.

We have the pleasure to celebrate these achievement together with you on Friday, 27th October 2023 4:30 pm in lecture hall V55.02 (Kekulé hall).

As a guest speaker, Professor David Tew of the University of Oxford will give a lecture on "Grid-based methods for quantum chemistry on a quantum computer". He will talk about new ways for the computation of complex problems, like vibronically coupled states, and introduce us to the currently highly active field of quantum computing.

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