Want to join the Computational Chemistry Group?
We search for highly motivated people with a background in chemistry, physics, materials science, biochemistry, astrochemistry, computer science (machine learning), or related fields and an interest in chemistry and computing. Projects oriented on applications and projects focused on method development are available. We value diversity in scientific areas and other aspects.
We offer successful candidates an intellectually challenging position in the inspiring atmosphere of an interdisciplinary team in the SimTech cluster of excellence, where we collaborate directly with people working in fields as diverse as mathematics, natural science, computer science, and engineering – theoreticians and experimentalists.
Excellent communication skills in English are a prerequisite. Knowledge of the German language is not required.
Open positions
- Post-doc positions: If you are interested in a postdoc (chemistry, modeling of catalysis, machine learning, astrochemistry, or experience with quantum computing), please get in touch with Johannes Kästner, and we will try to find funding.
- Ph.D. student positions: If you are interested in joining us as a Ph.D. student (chemistry, modeling of catalysis, or surface science, machine learning), don't hesitate to get in touch with Johannes Kästner, and we will try to find funding.
- Bachelor or Master theses (Masterarbeiten, Bachelorarbeiten) are always welcome! Topics are available on request or in our summary of topics.
- Project students: Students from Stuttgart who want to do their “Forschungspraktikum”, “Projektarbeit”, or similar in computational chemistry are welcome to look at our summary of topics or to contact Johannes Kästner directly.
If you are interested in Ph.D. or postdoc positions, please send your application (CV, list of publications, certificates of relevant university degrees, contact details for references) to the group leader, Johannes Kästner, or informally contact him.